UI: My current state of play

I have been working in UI design and development proximately for ten years. I have been involved in large scale outsourced projects for the Home office, Met police, large retailers, and charities. When I first started in UI development, javascript, CSS, and HTML were the main technologies I used for web development. Then I progressed to using frameworks namely jQuery, Backbone,YUI,React.js, and now Vue.js. Oh, I also have worked with all the horrible back end technologies (Java, PHP, .NET). Nowadays I am comfortable working in a DevOps workflow together with all the full-stack technologies (mongoDb,Node.js, Webpack, react.js,graphQl, etc). This site will give an account of things that I am interested in at the moment, mainly in the implementation of current design trends using react.js, Vue.js, D3.js, CSS3, HTML5, and SVG. The example apps that I have shared on this site are proof of concepts to demonstrate what is achievable with the current set of technologies out there. You can contact me on Linkedin.